Past Performance
MARBLE BEAch Bank stabilization
Marble Beach: This project involved restoration of the shoreline in a highly culturally sensitive area where erosion was ongoing. The project was approx. 600’ long and 140’ in depth. All access was via barges including equipment delivery, personnel delivery and all material deliveries. Barges were loaded 5 miles downstream of the project location at a public boat launch. A barge loading facility was constructed at the boat launch while maintaining public access. Materials included 6000 tons of riprap, 2500 tons of quarry spalls, 900 lineal feet of structural retaining wall, topsoil and other misc. materials.
This area was known to be a Native American burial ground with human remains exposed. We were not allowed to disturb the ground surface in any way. All equipment worked off of equipment mats and barges in order to not disturb the ground surface until sufficient material was placed to protect the ground.
Name of Client: Bureau of Reclamation, Boise Office
Location: Marble Beach, Lake Roosevelt, Washington
Duration of Contract: 2/2020 – 4/2020
Scope of Work: Bank Stabilization ($2.1 million)
*S.E.A. was prime contractor and completed 75% of the work
humboldt jetty reconstruction
Humboldt Jetty: S.E.A independently reconstructed the Humboldt jetty and the jetty concrete cap which had endured years of storm damage. Jetty work consisted of placing and interlocking stone ranging from 8 to 25 tons in order to repair the jetty prism, as well as pouring over 3000 yards of two foot cap on top of the jetty.
Name of Client: US Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco
Location: Humboldt, California
Duration of Contract: 6/2020 – 10/2022
Scope of Work: Jetty Repair and Reconstruction ($28 million)
*S.E.A. was prime contractor and completed 100% of the work
Heise roberts levee rehabilitation
Heise Roberts Levee: This project was performed for the US Army Corps of Engineers in Eastern Idaho along multiple locations of the Snake River, both publicly and privately owned. S.E.A. was able to coordinate with all property owners and government agencies in order to mitigate any damages to the land. Work on this project included mining, sorting, transporting and placing over 23, 000 cubic yards of material.
Name of Client: US Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla
Location: Rigby, Idaho
Duration of Contract: 9/2018 – 11/2018
Scope of Work: Heise Roberts Levee Rehabilitation ($1.9 million)
*S.E.A. was prime contractor and completed 100% of the work